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Private Allergy Testing

Private Allergy Testing in London

Our Packages

ALEX² Allergy Test ALEX®



At Medical Express Clinic, we offer allergy testing in London for children and adults. We also offer a range of allergy tests option, including the ALEX and Children panel blood tests to identify potential allergies.

Panels offer allergy testing for a wide range of common allergens. For those suspecting a specific allergen, the best option is to opt for a skin prick test, conducted by our allergist in London, by bringing a blood sample from the allergen that might be affecting you for testing.

Allergies affect nearly 1 in 4 of the UK population at any time. Every year, the total number of people affected by symptoms of allergy is increasing by over 5%.
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What is an Allergy?

An allergy is a response within the body to a substance (allergen) from its surroundings. This might be due to something that you eat, touch or inhale.

Any substance can cause allergies and it is difficult for individuals to detect the root cause of the problem. If you or your child has a suspected allergy, visit our private allergy clinic in London for the solution.

The skin prick test denotes if and what you are allergic to, avoid allergen and promote a better quality of life. It is a safe test and can be done in children and adults. It is not painful as a small metal pricker just scratches the upper layer of the skin with a drop of allergen.

If you are suspecting a severe allergic reaction, skin testing is a suitable way to know the root cause behind it. Some extracts of common allergens like pollen, mold, dust mites, animal dander, and foods are used to perform the tests. Once they enter the skin, they may trigger rash and make you feel irritated.

The kind of allergy test to conduct depend on your symptoms and allergists tell which tests to perform.

Different Kinds Of Allergens

Allergens are substances that can lead to an allergic reaction. You will find three kinds of allergens and they are the following:

  • Inhaled allergens – This may affect your body when they get in contact with the membranes or lungs of the throat or nostrils. Pollen is the most popular inhaled allergen.
  • Ingested allergens – They are usually present in certain foods such as – seafood, soy and peanuts.
  • Contact allergens – They should come in contact with the skin to produce some reaction. An example of a reaction from contact allergen is the rash and itching from poison ivy.

Common symptoms of Allergic Reaction include the following:

  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Rhinitis
  • Migraines
  • Itchy eyes, ears, throat, mouth or lips
  • Runny nose
  • Sickness, vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Sinus pain
  • Rash/Hives (Urticaria)
  • Swelling
  • Wheezing
  • Hyperactivity

Diagnosis of Allergy

At Medical Express Clinic, our doctors are helping to find out the exact origin of your allergy symptoms whether acute or severe. During your initial consultation, a complete history of allergic symptoms will need to be established by the allergy consultants, including allergies that you may have had as a child. After a full consultation, together with your specialist, both of you can decide upon the best treatment options which may include:

  • Patch test for contact allergies.
  • Skin prick test.
  • Challenge test which is undertaken in the hospital.

A blood test or skin test that results in some sensitivity may not necessarily an allergy. Together with your doctor, we will find out the exact cause of an allergy and devise the most appropriate management strategy. This can help to identify the specific substances you are allergic to and prevent restrictive diets. As an example, identifying dust mites to be the root cause of your child’s asthma can inform patients to undertake the appropriate interventions to improve the overall quality of life.

Other Packages

Allergic Rhinitis/Asthma Profile


Allergy Profile 1
(Food & Inhalants)


Allergy Profile 2
(UK Aero Allergen)


Allergy Profile 3


Allergy Profile 4
(Nuts & Seeds)


Allergy Profile 5
(Children’s Panel)


Allergy Profile 6


Allergy Profile 7


Allergy Profile 8
(Cereal – singles)


Allergy Profile 9


Allergy Profile 10


Allergy Profile 11
(Combined Shellfish/Finfish)


Allergy Profile 12
(Milk & Milk Proteins)


Allergy Profile 13
(Stone fruit/Rosaceae family)


Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema Profile
(14 allergens)


Gluten Sensitivity Profile



Our Allergy Testing Procedure:

Skin Prick Test

It is very safe and can be done in adults, children and even very small babies. It is not painful as a small metal pricker just scratches the upper layer of the skin with a drop of allergen. Little drops of allergen extract that are prepared in the laboratory are applied to your skin and punctured lightly by a shallow lancet. We perform skin prick test in London within our CQC registered clinic on Harley Street at an affordable price.

If there are IgE antibodies, a wheal or welt having a diameter of 5 to 15 mm will appear. The wheals will disappear within 30 minutes to an hour. There is a nominal chance that the patient might develop a strong reaction, however, patients are monitored closely and appropriate treatment is always provided at the point of reaction.


At Medical Express Clinic we do 10 tests – a positive control, negative control and 8 selected antigens as the primary skin prick testing protocol. The cost of testing including consultation costs £400, with room to add up to 5 more antigens for £10 per antigen.

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Allergy Testing Faq:

What should you know about Allergic Reactions?

It is an immune response by the body to specific foods or substances (allergens). The immune system detects a particular substance and initiate the immune response – it is this immune response that causes symptoms. There can be a family history of allergies or other health problems, such as – eczema or asthma. As allergies are now very common, there might be a large proportion of people who are aware of what allergens they may react to.

How common an allergic reactions be?

Allergic conditions are quite common in the UK, with nearly 1 in 10 children, 1 in 6 teenagers and 1 in 4 adults experiencing allergic symptoms during some point in their lifetime. The number of people suffering from allergies are increasing almost every year.

How Does the Allergy Tests Work?

At Medical Express Clinic, our allergy specialist will consult with you to choose the right testing option for your symptoms. After receiving the results, you will remain under the care of the same Immunologist and can attend for follow-up treatment, reviews and testing. However, many patients experience substantial improvement after their first consultation and test.

What will be the cost of private allergy testing in UK?

The cost of allergy testing relies on allergens number found and the testing method's complexity. However, at the allergy test clinic, consultations start at £250 and before we undertake any extra diagnostics, patients will be aware of the full costs.

Which kinds of allergen should be tested?

The service includes a comprehensive range of allergens and our testing assesses the reaction of your body to 290+ allergen. This consists of:

  • Food (144)
  • Pets (20)
  • Insect stings (9)
  • Pollen (62)
  • Moulds and yeasts (15)
  • Mites (17)
  • Others (15)

What you can expect from allergy consultation?

Your first visit to the Medical Express Clinic in Harley Street, allergy testing for your child or babies will involve a thorough evaluation of your allergy and medical history, you will need to fill out an allergy questionnaire. We can then tell you about other possible causes for the allergy. You may have to perform a special blood test known as a RAST/ImmunoCap. This might help you to detect allergens that include – dust mites, cats, dogs, pollens, milk, eggs, latex, peanuts etc. You will be able to get the results of the test within 48-72 hours.

It is essential that for 3 days prior to your consultation with our healthcare professional, you should stop taking any antihistamine medication; such as Piriton, Benadryl and Sudafed. If possible, try to bring in the list of presumed allergens for checking.
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