How much productivity is lost during the year with staff not feeling well or visiting their doctor? What is preferable? Staff taking an hour out of the working day to visit Medical Express Clinic or taking a whole day to see their own doctor? Many personnel managers are realising the benefits of using a local medical facility for staff who are unwell. At Medical Express Clinic we offer excellent, cost effective Company Doctor Services.
Many companies require new staff to attend Pre-employment Screening. Whether it be the Executive or Basic Screens Medical Express Clinic can offer the health screening to suit your company's needs. All candidates are asked to sign a consent form for the release of medical information to the employing company. A verbal "fit or unfit" decision is normally available in 24-hoursMedicals can be "tailored" to suit your particular needs. Special investigations available on request, e.g. HIV, VDRL, Drugs of Abuse screening.
Occupational Health Screening is a confidential screening programme that will give each candidate a clear indication of their current state of health and will determine any changes that can be made for preventive self-care. Our screening nurse will visit your premises. Each medical examination takes approximately thirty minutes. Prior to screening, confidential questionnaires should be completed and returned to the nurse. This gives an indication of the candidate's lifestyle and medical history which assists our doctor when writing his report.
A personalised, confidential medical report and summary of the blood investigations will be sent to the candidate from one of our medical doctors. This will highlight any immediate health problems and offer practical advice on reducing the risk of future ill-health.
Medical Express Clinic is viewed as London's premier screening centre by recruiting agencies both in the UK and overseas. Each month we screen over 200 candidates who are bound for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Written consent for HIV testing and for the release of the medical information will be required. The medical will comprise the following.
When travelling abroad or relocating to an office overseas, it may be necessary to undergo various investigation and vaccinations to meet visa requirements and to protect your health. Medical Express Clinic has successfully provided a full portfolio of such services to international companies for almost ten years. We have a good relationship with various embassies and are seen as a leading centre for the provision of medical examinations for personnel travelling to the Middle East. Medical Express Clinic is an authorised centre for vaccination recognised by both the Department of Health and the World Health Organisation. The following vaccinations are available on request, other vaccinations can be ordered if available in the UK.
Department of Health Vaccination Certificates are stamped and issued immediately after each vaccination. Prescriptions for malarial protection and any other medication that may be necessary be given.
We will be pleased to help you design the ideal screening programme for your company. Please contact us for further details.