Some health conditions that affect men are related to hormone level changes. These health conditions include erectile dysfunction, lack of vitality and energy, and hair loss. Sometimes, a gradual decline in testosterone levels causes muscle mass reduction and emotional symptoms like loss of libido or depression.
Monitoring hormone levels is not usually as important for men as it is for women because men do not undergo dramatic hormonal fluctuations like women during menopause. Still, a hormone profile is important to diagnose certain conditions affecting men.
The male hormone profile test is suitable for people undergoing or who want to start testosterone replacement therapy for about 3 – 6 months. You may also undergo this test if you want to monitor your hormones.
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone produced in the testicles. In women, the ovaries produce testosterone but in small amounts. Testosterone plays a role in muscle and bone strength, sexual function, energy, and mood.
Testosterone levels reduce as you grow older, so it is unusual to find naturally high testosterone levels in men, but low testosterone levels are common. Increased testosterone levels in women may cause male characteristics such as greater bult, body hair, acne, and deeper voice. These are also symptoms of polycystic ovaries, a common condition characterised by elevated testosterone levels.
Oestrogen, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are bound to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), making them unavailable to cells. Measuring SHBG levels in the blood can give information about the levels of unbound or free hormones which are biologically active and available for cell uptake.
The pituitary gland produces prolactin hormone, which is essential in reproductive health. Prolactin primarily helps stimulate milk production following birth, and prolactin levels in women are high during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Elevated prolactin levels in women who aren't pregnant or breastfeeding may indicate fertility problems and irregular periods. Higher levels in men may result in reduced sex drive, lack of energy, fertility problems and erectile dysfunction.
Most testosterone circulating in the blood is attached to proteins, particularly albumin and SHBG, with only 2 – 3% of testosterone free and available to cells. F test uses an algorithm to calculate the level of unbound or free testosterone compared to total testosterone, albumin and SHBG.
A low level in men may cause symptoms like erectile dysfunction, low libido, difficulty in gaining muscle mass and depression. In women, high levels may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome.
The pituitary gland produces follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is an important hormone. In women, it aids egg production by the ovaries, and in men, it aids sperm production. FSH levels increase in women as egg production reduces, so elevated FSH is common at the onset of menopause and helps measure ovarian reserve.
Elevated FSH in women means reduced egg supply, while low levels may indicate the absence of ovulation or pregnancy.
FSH levels increase in men with age but may also indicate reduced sperm production or testicular damage. Low FSH levels in men indicated no sperm production.
The pituitary gland produces luteinising hormone (LH), which is important for female and male fertility. LH controls the menstrual cycle in women, and it peaks before ovulation. In men, LH stimulates testosterone production.
Elevated LH levels in women may indicate no ovulation, menopause or hormone imbalance (like with polycystic ovaries). Elevated LH levels in men may indicate that the testes aren't producing sufficient testosterone.
Oestradiol is a steroid hormone that makes up about 80% of oestrogen in women. The ovaries secrete oestradiol, which is responsible for maintaining and developing reproductive structures, preparing follicles in the ovary to release an egg, and maintaining bone density and fat distribution.
Free androgen index (FAI) is the ratio obtained after a testosterone blood test. It helps check for abnormal androgen levels. FAI measures testosterone in the blood and compares it to the total testosterone amount and SHBG.
Low testosterone levels may cause the following symptoms.
Unless your doctor advises otherwise when you book the test, you should have this test before 11 am. No special preparation is needed for this test besides arriving at your clinic appointment well-hydrated.
Your doctor or nurse will draw a small blood sample from your inner arm using a small needle. This is quick and relatively painless, but you may feel a little scratching or pricking sensation.
We will send your result via email as soon as we receive it from the lab. If you had a consultation with one of our doctors, they would contact you directly to review your results. You can also take your results to your doctor to discuss the findings. If you want one of our doctors to evaluate your result, you need to book a consultation, and usually, this is before the test.
Our male hormone profile costs £210, with a 24-hour turnaround time. It gives you a better picture of your health, checks fertility levels and helps you understand your cancer risk. It also supports the diagnosis of several symptoms.
Testosterone is the main male hormone, but other hormones can help understand your hormone network. These hormones include the luteinising hormone, cortisol, and prolactin. Including these other hormone tests gives a wider picture of your hormone function.
Hormones are vital in several metabolic processes, so tracking your levels is important to maintaining optimal health. If your hormone levels are too low or high, you may experience symptoms ranging from depression to skin complaints, infertility and weight gain.
If you order your test before midday on Monday through Friday, your kit will be dispatched on the same day. We send all our kits through Royal Mail first-class post, so you should get them within 1 – 2 working days.
We have strict processes that ensure your data remains protected. We follow the GDPR and operate according to legal requirements about data sharing, ensuring we only share your data if necessary for our service delivery. For example, our doctor sees patients' results at the review time, but access to results is withdrawn after review.
Yes, we offer another option besides the finger prick test. You can have a home appointment where a nurse will take your blood sample at home or visit a phlebotomy clinic near you that offers a blood sample service.
You will have a blood sample taken from your vein. We will provide everything needed for your blood sample collection.
Doctors and nurses look at results and comment on those outside the normal range for your age.
You can download your result as a PDF from your health dashboard to share with your GP.